NO SEMINARY FOR A WEEK WOOTSheehee i feel so exhilirated(sp)?
hahaha I am learning about transport systems in mammals
quite interesting though
lalalala i feel soo happy today but when i get home have to rush Hw
i juz realized that Gossip Girl is a really really niceee show.Blake Lively is a really good actress
I dun realize why they dun show show it in Singapore... The Tudors would be nice too
House of Carters is going to be like this really crap show with everyone screaming at each other
Bleah it is such an extra some one said that the Carter family is messed up like wth
platelets help to clot blood(heehee)wonder what would happen if we removed the platelets see the blood flowing out freely.
Zoey just came in at like 9.30 omg.hahaha
argh my battery is dying dying dying lalalalala(man utd lost last nite sooo saddd)
but F1 is starting soon like this weekend
i bet Xinyi will watch the one in Aus
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