I do realize that I have not been blogging here close to a month. I mean hell. I love my blog here. I will change the skin someday.. I promise. anyway, life's been bloody bad to me this few weeks. With my maths test coming back with a score of 8 on 20. Which is uhh pretty normal for me in Maths tests. and oh the inevitable oral exams. mann they kill me. I hate orals. Chinese is ughh at least I had fun in my english orals. He actually asked if I had fun reading it.
Paragraphing always makes my posts so much better don't you think? anyway back to topic. faget made me some really niice gifs. so now I am wondering if i can get it to import to my cellphone. and oh life just basically passes me by now. I want to finish this year so soon. ok. will blog later soon
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