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Sunday 28 December 2008 •

I really hate admitting I'm wrong but I am so "I'm sowwy..."

anyways, well i guess i was wrong then... first time this ever happened to me.

really I have nothing to say about it anymore other than the fact it sort of came as a shock to me... so yeah.

had another dream a few day sago, this one kinda bothered me as it showed something i had long since tried to block out of my mind, so yeah... not going to tell you what it is :p

oh and I love Veronica Lake, she has the most amazing hair ever, its very bleached but still very beautiful just like Natasha Poly's in Gucci FW0708

Veronica lake:
Veronica Lake Pictures, Images and Photos

05:24 |

Saturday 27 December 2008 •

hehe I was listening to some old songs on Youtube today and found the video for "I am 16" . I remember the first time I saw it when I was really young, that scene captivated me as it was very Ballet-ish by using the Pas de Deux. I love her dress its so pretty and circle-ish, and the song is very timeless as well. So here is one of my favourite childhood memories :)

edit: oh i forgot, you can see/feel the sexual tension between them, its really quite obvious....

07:50 |

Friday 26 December 2008 •

Good Lord. I had it with all those stupid "The Lyrics are meaningful, just listen to it carefully". I mean wtf? Its just words. Words like that in a song are not meaningful. They are just written in a way for you to feel like "ZOMG!!!! Its so meaningful!!!!!!!11" 

Only idiots ever post lyrics on their blog with a bloody sentence saying its meaningful. Most people when seeing a blog post full of song lyrics will generally scroll down/away from that post. They don't need a poster telling them that the words are meaningful.

Okay I had to get that off. Number 2. People that I hate now in my life. I'll tell you who they are but you should know most of them.

1: A Certain Guy. 
I hate him to bits, he annoys the hell out of me everytime I see him, that's why you always see me so cold towards him.

2: That Group.
Yeah almost the same as the above. 

3: People who like to speak Chinese in the general public.
Chinese sounds so tacky and cheap right now, you speak too much of it, you end up looking stupid and uneducated.

4: People who are in general just complete douches on the interwebz
uh-huh. IMDb TDK for example. Terminator Salvation is another

right the next thing
I'm really going to make a list of the most beautiful people, its going to include Catherine, Ingrid and of course Marlon Brando!!!!!

okay thats it for now, oh and thanks to Nora for reminding e about the TDK soundtrack, downloaded it off youtube :) Its amazing and I love it.

08:10 |

Thursday 25 December 2008 •

awww I love this song, Selena Gomez was Singing this today on her youtube channel.
Anyways, Merry Christmas and be sure to listen to the song, all of it.

21:01 |

Tuesday 23 December 2008 •

soo I was kinda bored today and decided to tinker with HTML and the result is this site, copy and paste lol
yep i just tried and error everything and it became like I'm going to take the domain name soon at and also on

I realized I'm not making sense...

06:18 |

Sunday 21 December 2008 •

I think that Harlequin loves Columbine very very much


and Pierrot loves Pierrette too

05:51 |

Thursday 18 December 2008 •

This video got me to think, are guys in the Royal Army really that skinny?

I'm talking about Jake Walmsley, the tru blue brunnette. He said he was in the army for a year, but he's just so thin, lie Dan... anyways SYNCSTA is back!!! My two favorite Brits.

20:37 |

Wednesday 10 December 2008 •

Christy's List of the most Boring Actor's/Actresses/Movies
1: Wild Child.
This is no doubt Hollywood's biggest failure movie. Okay Alex Pettyfer is hot and all and is eye candy for me, but halfway through the awful movie I just had to turn it off. It was that bad

2: The Day The Earth Stood Still.
Awful screenplay, awful CGI. Great Casting, Keanu Reeve's wooden face worked in this movie for me

3: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Shows us that Hollywood is churning out movies that actually suck

4:Journey to the center of the earth
Once again, another Hollywood failure movie. Josh Hutcherson did nothing but piss the hell out of me in this movie.

5:Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
They killed the franchise by casting douche Shia Labeouf in this movie. That's all

Catherine Hardwicke can't direct to save her life. She's worked with Christian Bale so I have abso-bloody-lutely no idea why she can't deliver for the already Epic Fail Franchise.
Also the actors can't act as well. except for Peter Faulkner?

7:Quantum of Solace
Boring script, boring characters, can't stand Daniel Craig. Gemma Arterton was okay but uninteresting as well

05:43 |

Thursday 4 December 2008 •

Here's an early Merry Christmas for y'all, I'll be blogging more when I come back. From Victoria's Secret, a beautiful video.... enjoy.

02:39 |

Monday 1 December 2008 •

aww I love these. Maryna Linchuk looks exceptional in there. Beautiful beautiful..... Click on thumbnails for full image

04:37 |